Thursday, April 1, 2021

Are Advertising Revenue and Return on Investment on a Financial Blog like MoneyGlider Worthwhile?

When I first started this blog, a bunch of other blogs seemed to be doing really well.  So, I assumed I could maybe grow an audience by writing topical, intelligent articles.  From that audience, ad revenue was intially expected to be minimal.  This was more of an experiment to see how many active users would join.  I found that this website didn't really garner much attention or users.  Even more pitifully, the ad revenue was something on the order of pennies.  Granted, some of the lackluster engagement is due to the frequency and quantity of articles.  
I like this blog though.  I had never tried something like this before and it taught me some website challenges.   Although this blogger site is pretty simple, setting up a website, socials, logins, and connections can be tedious.  Monitoring, Driving, and Keeping traffic is really difficult to quantify when the user base and advertising budget is practically nil.  I'm keeping this blog.  And I'll continue to keep it.  It's a reminder.
When I started this blog, I was working as a Project Engineer for NASA's Johnson Space Center.  I split my skills between hardware, firmware, and software engineering.  Over my ten year NASA career, Pay raises were consistently in the 2-5% range with a solid 20% raise a few years into it.  For a good time after that big raise, I was driven and content.  The world seemed fruitful and I was in command.  Over time, the road became predictable and mundane.  The salary reverted back to somewhat average.  I could have very easily rode into a retirement sunset in my 50s with my NASA job.  I had the spreadsheets to prove it, even as my raises began to sour.  
This blog is a symbol of my drive to do more and create.  Because of this blog I started eventually three different businesses to attempt to generate other sources of income.  I didn't expect those business to make much money.  I also didn't expect to gain skillsets in the way that I have.  In a three year span since NASA, I've switched jobs three times while becoming a patented and Professional Licensed Engineer.  My salary increased dramatically and the challeneges, while stressful, are worthwhile endeavours.  
If you are starting out, pick a target, pick multiple targets, and invest in yourself.  At a certain point, you will break out of your cycle in a good way.  You'll be surprised that some pieces aren't that difficult and that your experiences clear your vision.  In the simplest terms possible, I've always tried to create.  Don't give up on creation.  The possibilites keep you alive.  And in retrospect, never starting is more painful then failing to succeed.  None of my ventures have made money, but I'm glad I tried.
So, Are Advertising Revenue and Return on Investment on a Financial Blog like MoneyGlider Worthwhile?  This blog made almost nothing and the time I spent on it could have made real dollars, but I'm searching for something different.  I'm going to be updating this blog as a milestone for where I am in life right now if I can find the time and if Google doesn't shut down Blogger.  Hopefully, it gives me a little piece of zen and nostalgia as I reflect on the past few years.


If you would like to see my other, public attempts at starting something, here are my other websites:

A Podcast, The UnPanderers, with my Best Bud, Nick, intended to pass the time with interesting, lengthy topics:
Yet another Podcast, Predators Podcast, intended to be less attention heavy and faster paced:
My Engineering Firm, Build Ember, that hasn't taken on a single client yet: